Ubuntu – Good alternative to NetLimiter


There is a program NetLimiter for windows. While I was using Windows it was very useful for me to find out the IP address of the person who was downloading from me, or to know IP address of any person on LAN who was using DC++ with some nick. And after that I can easily know the computer name of that person using nbtstat.

I was wondering if there is any tool for Ubuntu using which I can find out the IP address of person who is downloading from me or from whom I am downloading on LAN. I am on university LAN and we are using PtokaX and DC++ for file sharing on LAN. people sometimes put some offencive stuff on open chat on DC++ using some Nick and I don't know how to trace them while I am using Ubuntu.

Best Answer

NetLimiter is a traffic shaping / limiting application as far as I know, but as a consequence it is able to display traffic information connected to IP addresses.

I don't see how you could connect the nickname with the IP address if not by the current volume of traffic.

If you are looking for such information you can try iftop. It tells you the amount of input/output traffic by connection. (It is quite a capable tool, just needs some digging into the manual.)

Alternatively there is nethogs that displays the amount of traffic per application.

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