Ubuntu – Gnome Terminal Infinite loop


unknowingly I have placed

gnome-terminal --geometry=120x80+50+50

command in Gnome terminal's Edit->profile and preferences->general's run custom command.
Now when I start terminal, it keeps restarting itself, therefore I'm not able to go to settings again.

How can I fix this problem?

Best Answer

You need to remove the folder ~/.gconf/apps/gnome-terminal (where the profiles are stored), and log out and back in. Changing the files manually during your session won't help, since they simply will be overwritten by the previous settings of the same session if you start gnome-terminal again.


  1. remove the folder ~/.gconf/apps/gnome-terminal
  2. log out and back in. You will lose the possible settings changes you made, but you will have your gnome-terminal back.
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