Ubuntu – Gnome keyring 11% cpu when opening chrome


I have little prolem that when open up chrome, gnome keyring starts to use cpu on 11%. If i start chrome from command line with google-chrome --password-store=basic this bug is not present.

The ugly method chmod +x gnomekey... not acceptable

Also I have tried to not set password for "default keyring" to not ask for password, but keyring still uses high cpu.

I also have basic error messages like cannot securely allocate, or /run/user/1000/keyring/control: Connection refused. (The file control doesn't exist.)

I have also noticed some weird thing that the Default_keyring.keyring is updating/re-creating every second(or faster) and it ends only when I kill the keyring process.

ulimit -l = unlimited already edited in /etc/secur....

Some system info:
Ubuntu 16 latest fully updated including latest chrome fully updated. i7-6700HQ, 8gig ram, etc..

But is there any way to start Chrome with --password-store=basic? NOTE that I really mean always, not only when I click on Chrome icon, but also when Chrome is completely closed and I click on a link in mail client/skype/any application.

So I'm wondering if there is something like startup_args.config file (I haven't found anything like that in profile directory) and also not found password store option in chrome://flags

Thank you for you time and help.

I will be really happy if someone can explain me why from 2008 until today are people reporting this error with chrome/ium and gnome-keyring. And also why it happens. It feels like chrome cannot create keyring or fill it with saved passwords.

Best Answer

I had this issue with Chromium and the only acceptable workaround that I've found is to use KDE's KWallet instead of Gnome Keyring.

These are the steps I took:

  1. Backup Chromium data directory ~/.config/chromium
  2. Install kwalletmanager: sudo apt-get install kwalletmanager

  3. Perform a sync with google servers then delete Chromium data directory. (not sure if this is essential)

  4. Add/replace --password-store=kwallet to Chromium launch parameters
  5. KWalletManager should display when you open Chromium for the first time asking for new wallet passphrase.