Ubuntu – How to access the missing settings/preferences menu in Cheese in non GNOME DEs


Running cheese from the cmdline reports no errors, and "cheese -v" reports "Cheese 3.32.1" thus the app should display a preferences/settings menu button, but none is displayed. (Functions as if it expects the desktop to support the global appmenu, which it doesn't, and AFAIK support for which has been removed from the app.)

Earlier versions of Cheese used to have a menu like this:
earlier cheese
Xubuntu 18.04.2 LTS, Cinnamon Desktop 3.8.9 (Same issue with XFCE Desktop), no menu/headerbar

enter image description here

As I wrote, I seem to be missing something...

Best Answer

I just ran into the same issue using KDE Plasma, but this workaround should work with all desktop managers.


in dconf-editor go to /org/gnome/cheese/. This is where the Cheese preferences are saved, you can set everything here, then restart Cheese.

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