Ubuntu – GIMP 2.8 doesn’t allow to save usual image file formats (jpg, png) via Save dialog


I used to save images as usual image file formats (jpg, png) by pressing Ctrl+S or Ctrl+Shift+S (Save or Save As dialog). Now in version 2.8 GIMP doesn't allow it anymore: you can Save only as .xcf but to save as .jpg or .png you must Export.

Is there a way to get this old file saving functionality back?

Best Answer

I remember reading on heise (german) that someone wrote a plugin to revert back to the old functionality.

Runnning the following commands in a terminal will download the latest version of the plugin to Gimp 2.8's config directory and make it executable:

wget https://github.com/akkana/gimp-plugins/raw/master/save-export-clean.py -O ~/${gimp_dir}/plug-ins/save-export-clean.py
chmod a+x ~/${gimp_dir}/plug-ins/save-export-clean.py

But I have to say that it's not a big deal learning the new shortcut Ctrl+E. Also having a clean distinction between destructive export and save is actually a good thing.