Ubuntu – Get location of “true” GVFS path from Nautilus


I mount my Samba shares through Nautilus. I know that, behind the scenes, the share is fuse-mounted and Nautilus somehow does the translation between smb:// URLs and the actual location in the file system.

Is it possible to retrieve the "true" path in the file system for a GVFS-mounted share, for a directory or a file? How?

EDIT: If anything else fails, one could invent a tool that is applicable to any file and would just copy the command-line parameter to the clipboard. Then it would just be required to tell Nautilus to offer this tool for all files and directories.

This is related, but does not answer my question: How can I copy the current path from Nautilus?

Best Answer

I cannot find an easy way of getting nautilus to tell you this. However, there are other ways of finding out.

In Ubuntu 12.10, the "actual path" is under /run/user/USERNAME/gvfs. In 12.04, I think it was under /home/USERNAME/.gvfs (invisible unless you check View->Show Hidden Files in nautilus). The folder names inside these directories look something like smb-share:server=servername.local,share=volume_1.