Ubuntu – Get Creative soundcard working correctly


I am trying to get sound going on my fresh install of 10.10.
I have a creative fatlity branded sound card. My ALSA information.

Most things seems to be working out of the box, once I turned off my onboard sound in my BIOS the soundcard kicked in. However, the system sounds aren't working (I love those drums and the road runner sound when you press backspace). Also, with a 7.1 setup my center channel and subwoofer don't work at all. All other channels are working like a champ.

So I am trying to accomplish two things, get system sounds working and get center/sub channels working. How should I try to fix this?

Best Answer

Linux Drivers for Creative Audio Cards

This download is intended for the following audio devices only:

* Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Elite Pro 
* Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Platinum
* Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Fatal1ty®
* Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi XtremeGamer
* Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi XtremeMusic

1.- Download the driver from here (Select Asia, US doesn't work) then select your card and at the bottom of the page change O.S to linux.

2.- compile.


* To install the driver, do the following:
     1. Download the XFiDrv_Linux_US-*.**.tar.gz package onto your local hard disk.
     2. Double-click the downloaded package to unpack its contents.
     3. Read the README file and follow the instructions.     

if you are going to compile something you need the package build-essential we can install with software center or with the follow command in terminal:

sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential

Update :

Let's to hack a while !!!!!

download and replace this 2 files in this directory ´XFiDrv_Linux_Public_US_1.00´ :



sudo make 
sudo make install

and restart....

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