Ubuntu – Gedit 3.6.3 in Ubuntu 12.04

12.04gnomesoftware installation

Hi I would like to know if I can upgrade gedit to version 3.6.3 in Ubuntu 12.04 without the webupd8 ppa. I think the process would be similar like this: Is there any way to Install Latest Nautilus File Manager in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Please tell me if that works, Thanks in advanced!


The info I posted above does not work.


It looks like people want to know why, well the reason is because I want the latest features and speed improvements that came in GNOME 3.6 and all of GNOME's applications. + I already have some GNOME 3.6.3 software (As you can tell from the link above I've installed Nautilus 3.6.3 aka Files 3.6.3).


Umm, so I am missing some of the dependencies that Gedit needs, do I download it from packages.ubuntu.com and then install it the same way I attempted to install Gedit 3.6.2?

Best Answer

Gedit 3.6.3 does not exist. You'll have to choose 3.6.2 or 3.8.3. Since 3.8 is a major version, I recommend to install the 3.6.2.

You should be able to build your package using these commands:

wget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/raring/+source/gedit/3.6.2-0ubuntu1/+files/gedit_3.6.2.orig.tar.xz
tar -xvf gedit_3.6.2.orig.tar.xz
cd gedit-3.6.2/
sudo make install

You have to know that it is not recommended to upgrade your packages, because it may change a lot of packages in your system, possibly breaking it.

You also have to take a close look at the depedencies that Gedit 3.6.2 needs.