Ubuntu – Full restore of home directory from backup


Using version 14.04 LTS. I've been using Duplicity to back up my home directory (/home/user) to an external hard drive (/media/user/Backup). I've just reinstalled 14.04 LTS. Now I want to restore my home directory to what it was before the reinstall.

I've tried using the gui "Backup" – choosing the last backup date to restore from and "restore to original folders" – this doesn't work. There is no change to my reinstall home directory. All I've noticed is that there is a lock symbol on my /home and /home/user folders after I tried this.

Is what I'm trying to do possible? If yes, how do I do it?

Best Answer

It's likely that the UID (the number behind your user name) has changed.

You'll probably need to find out the old UID (maybe it can be retrieved out of the backup somehow) and change your current user name's ID to the old number. Further information on how to do that is available in this question: How can I change my own user ID?

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