Ubuntu – FTP Server on Ubuntu


I'm looking for an FTP server application for my headless server, which is a public virtual machine with a public ip address. . I've narrowed it down to 3, at least from what I've read are the most adept.

  • vsftpd
  • proftpd
  • pure-ftp

I've been researching all 3 but my primary concern is that I need one account that can upload but not see the contents of the folder/directories once it is logged in.

We had been using filezilla server on a Windows server but we've had to move to Ubuntu. I've not installed any of these applications before and I was wondering if any of them support this on Ubuntu. If they do, how would I go about setting that up?

Best Answer

I'm using vsftpd on an internal server, so I can only answer for that oneā€¦

vsftpd has basically two parameters to control the directory listing in its /etc/vsftpd.conf

    If set to NO, all directory list commands will give permission denied.

    Default: YES

    If enabled, users of the FTP server can be shown messages when they 
    first enter a new directory. By default, a directory is scanned for
    the file .message, but that may be overridden with the configuration 
    setting message_file.

    Default: NO (but the sample config file enables it) 

    If set to NO, all download requests will give permission denied.

    Default: YES 

So in your case, you should definitely add:


as a minimum and depending on your use-case, also disable downloads and dirmessages. (and that's why I added the download_enable parameter, which doesn't really control any directory listings)

Source: man vsftpd.conf

Having said all that, on a public server, I wouldn't allow standard ftp to run any more, but would use something like sftp.

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