Ubuntu – FTP Changes file permisions


I am trying to make changes to my website over ftp but when I save any files it changes the permissions and owner to my username. I can edit files in the same folder trough samba without changing the permissions. I really don't understand how the permissions for the /var/www folder work and I'm pulling my hair out trying to get it to work. I have recently made changes to the permissions of the /var/www directory (following this guide) so I could modify files in the www root. Right now I have the entire contents of /var/www set as -rwxrwxr-x 1 www-data www-data but when I change a file over ftp it becomes -rw------- 1 akbkuku akbkuku, akbkuku being my username. I am using vsftpd as the server, and I login with my normal user.

How do I make it leave to permissions alone?

At this point I'll even take a way yo reset all the permission back to stock and I'll just never modify files in the web root.

Best Answer

The settings depend on which FTP client you are using. Also to some extent the FTP server you are connecting to.

Usually, from the ftp command line,you can

  1. set your umask for the session, or
  2. change the permissions on files/directories that you own.

If you want to be sure that the website sees your files, make sure they are WORLD readable (and directories have RX bits set).