Ubuntu – folder not shown when being created by command line

command linedirectorylsmkdir

I have an issue when I am creating a folder by command line. I create it by typing:

mkdir TEST

and it does not appear on the graphical desktop view. But if I type the command "ls" in the Terminal I can see it.

Also if I create another folder from the graphical view it appears.

And once the folder is created by command line if I try to create it again by graphical view it tells me that this folder already exists.

Also typing CTR + H it does not appear.

If I create the same folder in another location by command line as before, it appears so I do not know what's going on…

Both locations have the same file permissions.

Any clues? Thanks in advance

Best Answer

The graphical desktop view (I assume you mean nautilus, the file viewer) does not always refresh immediately. Press F5 to refresh manually.

You may also want to experiment with the fs.inotify.max_user_watches settings as explained in this question. The default is 8192, you can easily raise that to 1000000.

inotify is the mechanism that is triggered whenever something in the file system changes, as happens when you create a folder.

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