Ubuntu – flashplayer on Lubuntu 12.04


I have a very old computer which is running Lubuntu 12.04. I don't think it can be upgraded to 14.04 as it is non-pae. The Lubuntu software center does not provide any Adobe Flash Player installation. I have downloaded the flash-plugin release.i386.rpm.
Please excuse my ignorance; but how do I install it from there?

Best Answer

You cannot install rpm. This is package for another distribution (Fedora, RHEL and its derivates). You can try this HOWTO on webupd8 or you can try installing flash player from repository - open terminal and run this command:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer

It will update your package database and installs package named flashplugin-installer if it is present in your repositories.