Ubuntu – Fingerprint-gui and 18.04 packaging issue

18.04fingerprint reader

I recently set up a new laptop on 18.04 and am trying to get the fingerprint reader working. I've done it before but fingerprint-gui seems to be broken on 18.04. I roughly followed this but got errors from apt-get

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 fingerprint-gui : Depends: libqca2-plugin-ossl but it is not installable
E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt --fix-broken install' with no packages (or specify a solution).

but upon further research that particular package has been replaced by "libqca2-plugins". I've since installed everything by hand, and fingerprint-gui appears to work, so "libqca2-plugins" appears to be a drop-in replacement.

Am I right in thinking this is simply a packaging issue with fingerprint-reader? Or should that replacement have been automatically detected? Where would I report this?

Best Answer

Since the original poster didn't provide an answer after he figured it out for himself, here's mine (confirmed to work on 18.04 Bionic Beaver btw):

Basically, you just need to follow the instructions on this answer here ( Using Fingerprint reader in 16.04) EXCEPT you need to switch out libbsapi with libqca2-plugins on the third and final sudo apt install line.

Also, unlike Windows 10, swiping your fingerprint at the unlock/login screen needs to be followed by pressing the "Enter" key to manually trigger the unlock (somewhat annoying but still way better than inputting a text-based password everytime), but that's not relevant to this question, just sometime to be aware of for users coming to Ubuntu from Windows.

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