Ubuntu – Find projects that use a particular programming language in Launchpad


On Launchpad.net, most projects list the programming language(s) their software uses:

alt text

It would be useful if there was a way to get a list of all the projects that use "X" programming language, in my case Vala. Does Launchpad provide this functionality? Are there any 3rd party tools that can do this?

Best Answer

As Marco Ceppi has pointed me towards launchpadlib, I wrote a little script that will do this for you. alt text download it here

Run the script by calling python name_of_the_script.py in a Terminal after you've downloaded and saved it. It will ask you for a programming language, case insensitive, and a search query (where wildcards, *, are allowed). If you leave either of them blank, it will search across all, rather than none.

You'll need to install python-launchpadlib before you can use it.

Here's some example output:

stefano@3000-G530:~$ python test.py 
Enter a programming language or leave blank to find projects in all languages:
>>> Python
Enter a search query or leave blank for all:
>>> Calculator
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