Files Lens and xdg-open Only Open Nautilus – Fix Incorrect Application Issue


since some days my Files lens opens only nautilus but not the correct application which is associated with the file extension.
For example, if I choose a PDF file, Nautilus is openend, pointing to the directory there the file is (and the file is selected) but Adobe Reader is not opened.

Then I do the same in the terminal with

xdg-open sample.pdf

only Nautilus is opened too.

xdg-mime shows me this info:

$ xdg-mime query default application/pdf

The /usr/share/applications/acroread.desktop file:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Adobe Reader 9
GenericName=PDF Viewer
Caption=PDF Viewer

The same with other file types like images, music files and office documents.

Then I doubleclick the file in Nautilus everything is ok and the correct applications are opened.

I assume this behaviour has something to do with Thunar which I've installed some days ago but deinstalled after these problems.

Any suggestions?

Best Answer

I had the same problem when I installed xfce (my question can be found here).

My problem was solved after uninstalling all xubuntu*, xfdesktop4* and xfce4* packages (and thunar).

Perhaps you should start by typing:

aptitude search xfce xfd xubuntu | grep ^i

in order to see which packages are installed in your system.

Then proceed with their uninstallation.