Ubuntu – File permissions changed when using Copy (file syncing software)


I just started using Copy, and it seems great, though I am having one difficulty. I'm running two Xubuntu Linux computers, one at work and one at home. The one at work is 64 bit and the one at home is 32 bit (I don't know if this is a problem or not, though presumably it shouldn't be). The problem is that when I drop a file into the /Copy folder from either end it'll show up on the other computer but with its permissions changed.

Specifically, if I write a test ASCII file in emacs and save it, it'll have the permissions:

-rw-rw-r-- 1

However, it'll show up on the other end with permissions:

-rwx------ 1

This can be particularly annoying, especially since executable files are colored green by the shell. Is there any fix around this?

Best Answer

You can use rsync to copy your files. The -p option will preserve permissions and so many options:

-p          --> Preserve permissions 
-E          --> Preserve Executability
-o          --> Preserve OwenrShip
-g          --> Preserve Groups
-t          --> Preserve modifition time

for further redings use this link

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