Ubuntu – Faster Wine application opening


I want to open a game (Killing Floor) which in Windows opens very fast but when I try to the same in Ubuntu I find it slow.

Is there a way of opening .exe files in Ubuntu faster using more RAM or any other tricks?

I am using Ubuntu 12.04.

Bueno mi duda es que quiero abrir un juego (killing floor) el cual es un exe que en Windows me va bastante rapido, sin embargo al abrirlo desde Ubuntu me va lento, ¿hay alguna manera de abrir archivos exe con mas RAM o algo que haga que vaya rapido? gracias.

Uso Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

Best Answer

There are a couple of things you can probably do to help:

1) Add the wineserver program to your startup applications, so that it starts when you log in, and is always running.

2) Run wine-preloader /path/to/yourgame.exe, so that wine adds some of its data to a preload cache.

I'm not sure how much, if at all, these will speed up the startup process for the game. I don't use wine much, but haven't noticed any particularly long startup times with it, beyond the first run (when it builds font caches and such).

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