Ubuntu – Failed to start Load Kernel Modules Ubuntu 16.04


Yesterday I was booting up my computer and it gave me this error message:

enter image description here

I was searching for a solution and came across this forum discussion :

So then I booted into recovery mode from the grub boot menu, as someone suggested and then try to run $ sudo apt-get update.

Here is where I started struggling. I cannot get my computer to connect to the internet.

$ ping google.com just gives me ping: unknown host google.com

So then I tried to run $ sudo dhclient eth0 but it returned this error message:

run-parts: failed to stat component /etc/dhcp/dhclient-enter-hooks.d/debug: No such file or directory
run-parts: failed to stat component /etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d/debug: No such file or directory
run-parts: failed to stat component /etc/dhcp/dhclient-enter-hooks.d/debug: No such file or directory
RTNETLINK answers: File exists
run-parts: failed to stat component /etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d/debug: No such file or directory

How can I fix this?

EDIT: journalctl | grep modules gives me:

 systemd-modules-load[214]: Inserted module 'lp'
 systemd-modules-load[214]: Inserted module 'ppdev'
 systemd-modules-load[214]: Inserted module 'parport_pc'
 systemd-modules-load[214]: Failed to find module 'rtc'
 systemd[1]: systemd-modules-load.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status1/FAILURE
 systemd[1]: systemd-modules-load.service: Unit entered failed state
 systemd[1]: systemd-modules-load.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'

Best Answer

OP solved their problem as follows:

[FAILED] Failed to start Load Kernel Modules was a red-herring. rtc is an obsolete module. The error message was removed by switching to tty1 (ctrl+alt+F1) and commenting out rtc (putting # at the start of the line) in /etc/modules (using sudoedit).

Now the computer would just boot to a blank screen.

Again in tty1, I then tried to connect to the internet, but sudo dhclient eth0 gave me this error message :

failed to stat component /etc/dhcp/dhclient-enter-hooks.d/debug: No such file or directory
failed to stat component /etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d/debug: No such file or directory

It turned out broken symlinks were to blame for that so to fix it:

cd /etc/dhcp/dhclient-enter-hooks.d
sudo rm debug
sudo ln -s ../debug.dbkg-new debug`

and then

cd /etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d
sudo rm debug
sudo ln -s ../debug.dbkg-new debug

So then it was possible to do sudo dhclient eth0

ping google.com returned unknown host google.com but ping worked fine, so this was fixed by doing echo 'nameserver' | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf as advised by steeldriver in this comment

With internet connected at last, all problems were fixed by running:

sudo apt-get update
dpkg --configure -a
sudo apt full-upgrade -f
sudo apt -f install
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