Ubuntu – Faenza-Darkest icon theme is broken after upgrade to Ubuntu 19.04


I'm using Faenza icon theme on Ubuntu, specifically its Faenza-Darkest version for dark backgrounds (such as Ambiance theme). After upgrading from 18.04 to 19.04 some icons seem broken. Please see the screenshot:

enter image description here

Instead of beige folder icons, I get these dull grey ones. I tried re-installing Faenza, but its PPA seems to be down and Faenza is missing from the official Ubunbu PPAs.

How can I fix my icon theme?

Best Answer

Rename the file "folder-symbolic.svg" in "/usr/share/icons/Faenza-Dark/places/scalable" to "folder-symbolic.svg.old" or something like that and then it should work again. :)

The trash icon is also wrong, so the best solution is to rename the complete "scalable" folder in "/usr/share/icons/Faenza-Dark/places/", so you don't need to rename every single icon that is not working.

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