Ubuntu – Eyefinity across 3 displays with a AMD Radeon 6800


So I purchased a computer recently and have been trying to customise the display.

AMD Radeon HD 6800 series Ubuntu 10.10. I have three 22inch 1080p LCD monitors that are mounted together. Everything is working smooth.

How do I get the 'big-desktop' display where I have one enormous display across all monitors?

Linux – ATI Catalyst Control Center 11.2 does not give me an option to 'group' my profiles like the pictures on their site show with Windows.

enter image description here

Best Answer

I'm running a similar setup, and unfortunately as far as I know it is still not possible to have the true Eyefinity configuration. At least in my case the three monitors were correctly usable out of the box. Although I have yet to see any advantages to installing the Catalyst drivers versus the open source drivers. Ubuntu handles the three monitors very well though. There are methods to getting games to span the monitors with enhanced resolutions, however a lot of games don't support Eyefinity resolutions. You can manually resize windows to span monitors, however watch out for some Compiz enhancements which will crash and restart X beyond a certain window pixel size. I think wobbly windows is one.

The only real reason to having one big desktop resolution is gaming. Otherwise it becomes annoying for Windows to always maximize across three screens such as a browser giving you two monitors of white space. For productivity, you don't want Eyefinity with the grouping features. Just extend the desktop.

I'd upgrade that TV next, with a connection to your comp since its so close. Stream TV instead.