Ubuntu – Execute terminal command without opening terminal

command line

In terminal, I have an alias so that when I type note, a text document of my notes comes up. Often times when I'm browsing the web I'd like to make a quick note but I don't have terminal open, so I have to Shift-Alt-T to open terminal and then type `note'. And then I have to click off the terminal.

Is there anyway to access terminal commands without opening the terminal so I don't have to do so many key presses? Maybe through a lens or HUD? Alt-note would be really nice.. I know I could map terminal to Alt, but then I'd still have to click off it.

Best Answer

You can try to transform your alias in an executable and put it in your path.

For example you can put it in /usr/local/bin, that should be already in your path.

Then you can launch that program by pressing AltF2 and entering the executable name.