command-line – How to Exclude Files from * in Command Line

bashcommand linerm

There are plenty of situations where the use of a * is virtually inevitable – e.g. rm -rf * in a folder that holds thousands of subfolders and files.

But what if you want to exclude just one or two files or folders from the rm command? I've googled my way around and only found quite complicated solutions like find . -depth -not \( -name 'one' -o -name 'two' \
-o -name 'three' \) -exec rm {} \;
as stated here.

Is there a possibility to do this in an easier way – without that detour to find?
E.g. rm -rf --exclude='one' --exclude='two' --exclude='three' * like in rsync or just rm -rf -e 'one','two','three' *?

Maybe even a general possibility to exclude things from * (so other commands like cp, mv, … don't have to implement their own)? Something like *{'one','two','three'} or so?

Best Answer

For Bash there is a shell option called extglob that is deactivated by default to keep compatibility with standard shell syntax. Extglob complements the syntax by additional operators like !(), ?(), @() and some more.

To switch extglob on, type shopt -s extglob. To keep it switched on for the current user type echo 'shopt -s extglob' >> ~/.bashrc.

For the rm example: With extglob you can use

rm -rf !(one|two|three)