Ubuntu – eth0 ERROR while getting interface flags: no such device


I had opened a terminal to install macchanger via sudo apt-get install -y macchanger, and then entered my password. It stated that macchanger was already the newest version, so I typed clear and then ran:

sudo ifconfig eth0 down

which is when this error message appeared:

eth0 ERROR while getting interface flags: no such device

This is a laptop and I am connected via ethernet cable.

How can I resolve this, so that I can run macchanger?

So I used ifconfig -a and I'm looking but seeing no mention of

The interfaces that are showing top to bottom are:


The only reference to ethernet is the MAC and also txqueuelen

Does this help in figuring what I need to do to get this sorted?

Best Answer

According to your ifconfig -a output, enp58s0f1 is your Ethernet, not eth0.

When Ubuntu switched to systemd (at Ubuntu 15.04), it switched away from the old system with eth0 and so on to what are called Predictable Network Interface Names. Ethernet interfaces start with en (so yours is enp58s0f1). Wireless interfaces start with wl.

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