Ubuntu – error while loading shared libraries, file too short

binaryshared library

From one of my customers I got an application. When I try to run it I got following error

error while loading shared libraries: ./libvtkWidgets.so.5.4: file too short

In my project structure I see following:

-rwxrwxrwx  1 tomasz tomasz       20 2011-02-01 10:44 libvtkWidgets.so
-rwxrwxrwx  1 tomasz tomasz       22 2011-02-01 10:44 libvtkWidgets.so.5.4
-rwxrwxrwx  1 tomasz tomasz  2147103 2011-02-01 10:44 libvtkWidgets.so.5.4.2

Is my shared library libvtkWidgets corrupted ? How to solve that error ?

Best Answer

There was probably an error copying/extracting the libraries. libvtkWidgets.so and libvtkWidgets.so.5.4 should not be files but symbolic links. Try the following:

rm libvtkWidgets.so.5.4 libvtkWidgets.so
ln -s libvtkWidgets.so.5.4.2 libvtkWidgets.so.5.4
ln -s libvtkWidgets.so.5.4 libvtkWidgets.so

Anyway you should check if the software that you are installing is available from the software center. If it is not available and if the above fix does not work you will need to contact the application provider.

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