Ubuntu – Error while downloading HTTPS files using wget


If I try to download the some http files, Then wget works just fine (eg: wget download_link). But when i try to download https files using wget then I'm getting the following error

http request sent 
403 forbidden

My problem is, I can't download http files in my college wifi. So when I try to download the file, wget will send the http request to the server. Eventually, the download will be blocked.

To download the https file, I've tried using the following command

wget https://download_link

How to download https files (username and password is there in the download link too)?

Are there any extra options needed with wget?

Best Answer

In order to use the https protocol you will have to add the --secure-protocol=protocol option. The protocol argument can be one of:

  • auto
  • SSLv2
  • SSLv3
  • TLSv1

There are also further related options like --no-check-certificate telling wget to not check server's certificate and many more.

This will prompt for password

wget --user=username --ask-password --no-check-certificate https://foo.bar.com

In this you will have to provide the password

wget --user=username --password --no-check-certificate https://foo.bar.com

Source: GNU Wget manual

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