Ubuntu – Error message “500 OOPS: vsftpd: refusing to run with writable root inside chroot()” – keep user jailed


So far I have been unable to keep an FTP user jailed to their website directory. Is there a solution that both fixes this bug and keeps the user jailed to their directory?

My vsFTPd settings that I changed:

Set: anonymous_enable=NO
Uncomment: local_enable=YES
Uncomment: write_enable=YES
Uncomment: local_umask=022
Set: connect_from_port_20=NO
Uncomment: idle_session_timeout=600
Uncomment: data_connection_timeout=120
Comment out: #ftpd_banner=Welcome to blah FTP service. [should be on line 104]
Added: banner_file=/etc/issue.net
Uncomment: chroot_local_user=YES
Uncomment: chroot_local_user=YES
Uncomment: chroot_list_enable=YES
Uncomment : chroot_list_file=/etc/vsftpd.chroot_list

At the end of the file I added:

# Show hidden files and the "." and ".." folders.
# Useful to not write over hidden files:

# Hide the info about the owner (user and group) of the files.

# Connection limit for each IP address:

# Maximum number of clients:

# FTP Passive Settings
#If your listen_port is 9000 set this range to 7500 and 8500
pasv_min_port=[port range min]
pasv_max_port=[port range max]

The user in question, mybloguser, is jailed to her/his website directory under /srv/www/myblog and this user is not part of the nano /etc/vsftpd.chroot_list file. The user’s home directory is also /srv/www/myblog which used to work in the past.

I tried the allow_writeable_chroot=YES solution which did not work, and actually broke vsFTPd completely.

I have tried:

How can we both fix this error and keep the user jailed to their home directory?

Best Answer


  1. Go to: /etc/vsftpd.conf
  2. and add this:


    Just add it if it does not exist yet.

  3. Restart the vsftpd service:

    service vsftpd restart

And it should work.