Ubuntu – Encrypting an extra partition with ecryptfs


I have an extra ext4 formatted partition which I would like to ecrypt with ecryptfs. I have chosen not to go for home directory ecryption and having a encrypted private directory also hasn't helped me.

So, the remaining option for me is to encrypt the extra partition. So, I want to know what is the best way to achieve this. The drive should get mounted when I log in. And I should be able to move my Documents and other important folders in the home directory to the encrypted drive, and symlink them back to the home directory. As I save some passwords in firefox, should I move the hidden firefox folder in the home directory to the encrypted drive?

Best Answer

Probably the simplest way to do this is to use an "Encrypted Private" directory. This will make ~/Private encrypted, and you can move trees into there and symlink to them (for firefox, etc). It is very easy to set up:

sudo apt-get install ecryptfs-utils

Now just log out of your session and back in, and you'll have an encrypted ~/Private directory automounted. You can move things into it like this:

cd ~
mv .mozilla Private/
ln -s Private/.mozilla .

For more details, see "man ecryptfs-setup-private", or read the manpage online