Ubuntu – Enable passwordless sudo as a specific user


I have two users on my system: itsadok, my main user, and elasticsearch, a user with a different ulimit for running ElasticSearch.

I would like to be able to run stuff as the secondary user without being prompted for password every time.

I added the following line to /etc/sudoers:

itsadok ALL=(elasticsearch:elasticsearch) NOPASSWD: ALL

The way I understand it, this should allow the user itsadok, on any host, to run any command as (user or group) elasticsearch without a password. However, trying something like

itsadok@dev001$ sudo -u elasticsearch ls

prompts me for a password. Restarting the machine did not help.

What am I doing wrong?


It turns our that the order of lines in sudoers is significant. I placed the line under "User privilege specification" which sounded like the right place, but the line for the %admin group that comes later was overriding the setting.

Putting the same line at the end of the sudoers file fixed the issue.

Best Answer

Revised answer from comments: If you place directives below #includedir, they are ignored. Move the line next to the sudo or admingroup definitions, or place it in separate file in /etc/sudoers.d/.