Ubuntu – Emulator PCSX Reloaded – Fullscreen not working on Unity


I have an older PS1 console with a couple of games I bought some years ago. On my pc, I'm using PCSX Reloaded – the best PS1 emulators for Linux I found so far.

But I'm having a little issue on Ubuntu 12.04 Precise. I'm using Unity 3D and I'm trying to run some of my original PS1 games on PCSX Reloaded. Everything works nicely, except for fullscreen. I toggle fullscreen and specify maximum resolution for my monitor, but on fullscreen mode, both left and top unity bars aren't getting hidden.

I tried changing between other graphic modes like Gnome Classic and Gnome Classic w/o Effects. On both, PCSX shows bars in fullscreen mode, so it isn't an Unity-specific issue, but an emulator problem.

It's a bit annoying play games this way, so basically I'm running games on window mode for now. I'm using default OpenGL graphic plugin on this emulator. I tried changing to X11 graphic plugin and fullscreen worked, but graphics on X11 plugin aren't as good as OpenGL one.

Anyone know a way to get fullscreen working on PCSX using OpenGL plugin? Or maybe another graphic plugin w/ OpenGL support.

Best Answer

This is a commpatibility issue. You can try by changing the graphic plug in in pcsx

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