Email Accessibility – Email Application for the Computer-Impaired


A member of my family has a moderate disability for dealing with computers. He is largely unable to engage technology in general, and most on-screen GUIs are confusing and upsetting. He is, however, able to use email and browse the Internet to a limited degree, and he wants to progress in that.

Evolution works fairly well for the email. But I want to find a better software — which in this case means simpler, easier and uncluttered.

  • Simpler — doesn't assume a heavy load of messages or super real-time exchange such as for chat. Doesn't present many features beyond the minimum.
  • Easier — has a highly fool-proof GUI.
  • Uncluttered — No sidebar with advertisements. No extraneous pop-ups.

I am certain the Gmail interface would not be acceptable (complex, visually cluttered, a bit hard to second-guess if you aren't computer-savvy). Three years ago I tried Thunderbird, but Evolution seemed to have a better GUI.

I guess I'm looking for the email-browser equivalent of a Jitterbug phone. Perhaps something designed for assistive technology is available. What would you recommend?

Best Answer

Mozilla came out with Thunderbird 3.0 not too long ago, and it seems simpler (once you set it up, of course). Then again, I thought gmail was incredibly simple, so...

My dad is also terrible with computers--although probably not that bad... And he loves his windows live mail box. I've been trying to get him to switch to gmail, but he refuses to try new things. So, if windows live works for him...

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