Ubuntu – Eclipse Juno C++ error: Program “g++” not found in PATH


I installed the newest Eclipse Juno manually (not through software center nor apt-get), and then install Eclipse CDT from the help > install new software menu.

However, when I try to compile a simple C++ code it show errors like Program "g++" not found in PATH.

I tried g++ from terminal and it worked just fine. Anyone know where the problem might be?

Best Answer

You should install the build-essential

sudo apt-get install build-essential

after installing this, open a terminal, and type g++ (hit enter) if it says there is no input, then you got your g++

even after you installed this, you could still have problems with eclipse cdt so I really recommend Netbeans, click here.

All you need to do is download Netbeans to your computer, say it's in your Download folder

sudo chmod +x your_download_netbeans.sh

then ./your_download_netbeans.sh

Because you already installed Eclipse on you computer, so I think you've already got jdk installed.

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