Dual Boot: Windows 8 Session Lost After Hibernate/Sleep – Ubuntu 12.04

12.04dual-boothibernatesuspendwindows 8

The problem I'm experiencing is losing the Windows 8 session after sleep/hibernate.

When resuming the session I would expect to load directly into Windows, however the GRUB bootloader displays. At this point I select the Windows bootloader and it starts a new session as though Windows has restarted.

Any suggestions?

System setup: Dual boot Ubuntu 12.04 and Windows 8 using GRUB 1.99 bootloader.

Best Answer

Using GParted swap the boot flag from /boot/efi partition to the first Windows partition sda1 allowed the hibernate session to start properly. In this case, the Windows Recovery was the first partition.

Since GRUB is installed in the MBR. Setting the flag will not disrupt the GRUB boot loader sequence.

Other solutions are posted here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1341694

Also, check if your BIOS has a sleep mode, after turning this feature off the the system boots into the lasted used OS.

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