Ubuntu – Dual boot Windows 10 Ubuntu14.04 problem


I'm sorry if this question has been asked before, but I couldn't find a solution that worked for me.

I recently got a new laptop with Windows 8.1. I added an SSD and installed Windows 8.1 on that drive. Now I upgraded to Windows 10 and decided I wanted a dual boot with Ubuntu. The installation of Ubuntu went fine, but now there are some problems with booting.

When I start my laptop, Windows boots automatically. I can access Ubuntu by pressing F12 while booting, but this is not ideal. I would like to load GRUB when booting, but GRUB only shows up when choosing ubuntu from the F12 menu.

I tried messing around a bit with EasyBCD, but it didn't help.
I already tried Boot Repair. Here is the url: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11965416/

I don't know enough about this stuff to fix this, but I would like to know what is going on, so I would very much appreciate if someone could tell me what the problem is (although I would also be happy if it just started working correctly).

Best Answer

You need to change your boot priority so grub takes president over the Windows bootloader. In your UEFI go to Boot and look for something similar to Boot Option Priorities and set Boot Option #1 to ubuntu (P#: drive name). This should set grub as your default boot device. It is also worth noting that devices such as ubuntu (size) and Windows Boot Manager (P# drive name) will both default to the Windows bootloader whereas ubuntu (P#: drive name) defaults to grub.

See screen capture for reference:


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