Ubuntu – Downloading Google Chrome (armhf?)


I've been using this question (How to install Chrome browser properly via command line?) to try to install google chrome.
I get to the very last command,

sudo dpkg -i google-chrome*.deb

And I get a message "package architecture (amd) does not match system (armhf).
I'm sorry if this is a noobish question, but I can't find a fix myself. Any pointers or advice?

Best Answer

Its weird to install the genuine Google Chrome, as the normal Chrome browser for Linux is the Chromium Web Browser.Available via command line and software center.

But for genuine Google Chrome its odd...if you do get Google Chrome you will be able to access normally limited streams such as Netflix.

You will need to go to https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/desktop/index.html. I have included a link for you to click of for easy access. You will need to click the download button and select your OS type for the download.

Once you have finished your download you will need to go to your downloads folder and double the download for chrome.

It will reroute you to the software center, where you must download Google-Chrome-Stable.Once it has downloaded you now have Google Chrome, just search your dash home for it and lock it to your launcher.