Ubuntu – Does there exist a pdf-viewer for ubuntu offering up to 6400 percent zoom


The question is in the title.

I can hardly believe it, but after having tried each of 'evince', 'Master PDF', 'okular', 'xpdf', I am quite sure that none of these well-known readers offers as high a zoom factor as does e.g. Acroreader. For my work it is indispensable to have at least 6400% zoom, and, having recently changed to ubuntu, I now seem to find myself in a situation in which the only way is to try to get Acroreader running via Wine (which I didn't try yet, and hope to be able to avoid trying).

Best Answer

You can have Evince zoom at higher levels by increasing the page cache size. For example,

gsettings set org.gnome.Evince page-cache-size 500

will increase the page-cache size from 50 MiB, the default, to 500 MiB, and thus increase the available zoom to 1600%. You can try with higher values. However, from certain zoom levels onwards, it won't work anymore.