Encryption – Does Full-Disk Encryption Affect SSD Performance?


I have a netbook that uses an SSD (Corsair Force 3 SSD (5.02)). When installing Ubuntu on it I chose an encrypted file system with EXT4. My question is: Does the file system suffer any performance penalties by using encryption?

Original Russian Translation

I have a netbook that uses an SSD На нетбук вместо обычного механического диска поставил твёрдотельный (Corsair Force 3 SSD (5.02)). When installing Устанавливая новую систему (Ubuntu on it I chose an encrypted file system with EXT412. My question is:10) Does the file system suffer any performance penalties by using encryption?выбрал шифрованную файловую систем EXT4. Вопрос: производительность файловой системы страдает от шифрования? мои диски

Best Answer

Well in the past, encrypting the system would have a strong performance hit since all the I/O and processing that needed to be done between encryption and reading/writing to the disk. But since a couple of versions ago, the performance hit is less than 5%. I would even be so bold as to say it is less than 1% since, with some tested I did, the video performance, copy/paste, hdd benchmark and speed of boot were almost the same.

And since you are using Ubuntu 12.10, there is even less of a performance penalty.

Here is a link of the Performance on Ubuntu 11.10 with and without Encryption

And here is a very old benchmark on how it looked on 9.10

As you can see the performance has gone up since 11.10 and you are using 12.10, so the performance is basically the same. I was actually amazed n how it was running when I first tested this on 12.04.