Ubuntu – Why does memory usage shown in System Monitor differ from that in ps_mem

memory usagesystem-monitor

I came to Ubuntu 16.04 from Mint 17.3 (and Ubuntu Mate 15.10), and I'm shocked with the memory usage of Ubuntu 16.04.

With a clean install, 16.04 used about 650+ Mb RAM, and after 1 or 2 days, after when I've installed most need apps for regular usage, 16.04 uses ~ 1GB at idle, and climbs to 1.5GB only with 4 or 5 chrome tabs.

Then I use a terminal tool to check for memory ( I use ps_mem here) – and the memory here is significantly lower than which showed in System Monitor:

Memory with no apps

Memory with 5 chrome tabs opended

So, my questions are:

  1. Which tool shows the right memory usage: System Monitor or ps_mem?
  2. Why is Ubuntu 16.04 using so much memory?

Best Answer

You can run free -m to check memory usage:

Pc_mem show the actual memory usage(used col) but gnome system monitor shows the usage of (buffer/cache - used) according to this answer.
But i find that equation is changed with system monitor 3.18.2 to

(1-(used/total))*100 or (1-(used/available))*100.

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