Ubuntu – Does cancelling the operation while copying a .mkv file split it into 2 parts

filesfilesystemhard drivequalityvideo

I was copying a movie (.mkv) file from pen drive to PC (Ubuntu) and it showed error while copying, so I had to cancel it. The file size was 3.2 GB. Now the file on Pen drive still shows size 3.2 GB but there's also a file on my PC of 311 MB. Did cancelling it destroyed that 311 MB data from 3.2 GB?

In simple words, is my file on pen drive is still same as before copying and cancelling?

Best Answer

No, canceling a copy or a move of a file does not modify the original file.

Your 3.2 GB file is still intact as it was before the move/copy.

In fact, when you copy a file from one location to another, the original file is not modified in any way whether the copy was finished, canceled or interrupted.

And when you move a file to a different filesystem (for example, in your case from your pen drive to your PC's internal drive), the file will be copied first (as if you are doing a normal copy), and only then is the original deleted. So in this case, the original file doesn't get modified either if the move was canceled or interrupted.