Ubuntu – Does 11.04 support Sandy Bridge

11.04compatibilityhardwareintelintel graphics

How well does Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) support the processors of Intel's architecture Sandy Bridge and their Intel HD Graphics? Are there any problems with running 11.04 on Sandy Bridge?

Best Answer

Out of the box, Natty does have issues with the Sandy Bridge architecture as discussed here on Phoronix.

In summary, performance is not great - as compared against Windows 7. In terms of general Natty support - no real issues are reported.

Fedora 15 is using the latest Mesa development code. If you use this together with the latest kernel, Phoronix are reporting that Sandy Bridge (and similar recent variants) are on a par - or even exceed Windows 7.

Thus, if you want to experiment - try installing the latest Kernel from here together with the latest bleeding edge drivers from this PPA.

Otherwise, stick with the standard Natty - things will get better in 11.10.