Ubuntu – Dockerizing a wine application


I have a 32-bit windows executable, App.exe

$ cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\ (x86)/App
$ file App.exe
App.exe: PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows.

Since wine is installed, it runs just fine when directly executed from the command line.

I'm concerned that in the future it'll break due to missing or upgraded libraries and other dependencies, wine included.

I want to dockerize it, so I have a fully self-contained image that will be able to run for many years on Linux.

Is this supported by docker.io?

If yes, what would be the steps to achieve this (dockerfile preferred)?

Best Answer

The monokrome/docker-wine image is based on Ubuntu and should work.

Dockerfile :

FROM monokrome/wine
ADD ./App.exe /

Note that I've tested it with 64bit executables, not 32bits.

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