Bluetooth – Why Only Hear Sound from Speakers with A2DP Headset Connected


I have a Sennheiser MM100 bluetooth stereo headset (using A2DP) I'd like to use on my Lubuntu machine. The headset works fine with my phone.

Please note that unlike all other Ubuntu flavours, Lubuntu does not come with Pulseaudio.

It is detected by Lubuntu's Blueman Bluetooth configuration application and I can establish a connection successfully. It also appears to actually communicate as it shows data being sent back and forth. However, Sound keeps coming out of the loudspeakers only, while the headset remains silent. I would have expected the sound to come from my headset at this point.

Where do I start troubleshooting here?

Best Answer

Note about the answer here - It appears that Lubuntu comes without Pulseaudio and I assumed Pulse is needed for A2DP to work and that OP would have installed it. It appears not to be the case. The answer below is about a Pulseaudio installation.

Make sure you've selected the right output sink for the application you're expecting sound from.

Similar to my answer in a similar question, start by installing and starting pavucontrol and check:

  • In the Output Devices tab

    • Check the presence of your Bluetooth device. I assume it's listed there stating you see it in another application.
    • Check the obvious settings for that entry.
  • In the Configuration tab

    • Check the audio profile. Make sure you've selected A2DP rather than 'headset' or 'off' (unless you want to, really).
  • In the Playback tab the application producing sound should be listed.

    • Try to see what output sink is selected and verify it is using your Bluetooth connection.
    • Check the output volume and mute status of this particular audio stream.