Ubuntu – Disk drive for /home is not ready yet or not present when loading Ubuntu Server 14.04.2 on VMware


Hi I have Ubuntu Server 14.04.2 LTS installed on a VMware station. It has worked fine before but now when I open the virtual machine it goes thru the normal process of starting and stopping the different processes and then it ends with this :

The disk drive for /home is not ready yet or not present. keys: Continue to wait, or Press S to skip mounting or M for manual recovery.

My thinking is I can't press S because I need to mount the drive, and I tried to press M but all I get is the option to perform maintenance via root but I don't know how to do maintenance for this problem. I guess I could wait but it's already been about 20 minutes. Does anyone know what I should do?

Edit: I just pressed S to skip mounting, and it sent me to the regular login and everything seems to be working normally. However I'm still not comfortable with skipping the mount. Should I be worried about skipping the mount? If not, what is the difference between if it did properly mount and skipping the mount?

Best Answer

Due to dpb's comment, I checked my /etc/fstab file where I actually added this line of code to the /etc/fstab file:

LABEL=/home /home ext4 defaults,acl 1 2

After I deleted the line and restarted it worked fine.

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