mount – Disable Removable Device Notification for Hard Drives


I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 with two hard drives.

The second drive is set to mount to /home/myuser/DATA and it mounts OK. However gnome shows a 'Removable Devices' item in notification area which lists my hard drive with the unmount button.

How do I make Ubuntu to treat the second hdd like the system one, without suggesting me to unmount it in the notification area?

Best Answer

The solution is to change the mount point to /mnt/"something". Modify your fstab and it shouldn't show the unmount option any longer.

Then you may bind mount it to the directory you want:

UUID=your_uuid_here /mnt/DATA ext4       defaults        0       2
/mnt/DATA             /home/yrogirg/DATA   none bind 0 0