Ubuntu – Disable lock screen in 17.10


In 17.10 I've looked in Settings->Privacy, Screen Lock is off. In Power Blank Screen is off. Yet after some minutes of inactivity the screen just doesn't turn off, a lock screen appears that needs the mouse to pull up.

This is a PC in my house, I'm really not concerned that one of the dogs could wander by and see my screen. Is there a way to really turn off this lock screen? Turning the display off after some minutes would be fine.

Best Answer

Post #10 here https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=171226 fixed it for me. I think I finally found a way to disable the inactivity curtain in gnome 3.10. Launch dconf-editor then drill down org > gnome > desktop> session. Find the key for idle-delay and change it's value to 0 .

Or you can do it in once step by running the command:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.session idle-delay 0

You'd think it would be easy to get rid of that annoying stuff...