Ubuntu – Disable brightness and keyboard back-light at start-up


I'm new with Linux and I have an issue that I have being researching and have not been able to find a solution so far. I was wondering if any help can be given. I have an Asus Q500A with Win-8 and Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit and Whenever i log-in to Ubuntu, it does so with full screen brightness and keyboard back-light at full . How do i get rid of this? How can I tweak the start-up setting for screen brightness and disable keyboard back-light at start-up?

Note: I already tried this and is not working.

Add this to /etc/rc.local:

echo '2' > /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness
echo '0' > /sys/devices/platform/applesmc.768/leds/smc::kbd_backlight/brightness

Best Answer

To turn off the keyboard backlight on boot, you need to add this to /etc/rc.local:

echo '0' > /sys/devices/platform/[a name related to your laptop ]/leds/smc::kbd_backlight/brightness

You have an Asus laptop but you input applesmc.768 so it didn't work. For my case I added to /etc/rc.local the following line:

echo '0' > /sys/devices/platform/dell-laptop/leds/dell\:\:kbd_backlight/brightness

and it worked.

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