Ubuntu – Differences between Ubuntu Software Center and Ubuntu Software & their pros and cons


  1. What are the technical differences between "Ubuntu Software Center" and "Ubuntu Software"?

  2. How to use them effectively or when to use what?

  3. Is there any pros & cons for them? If yes, then what are they?

Best Answer

Only there is a difference between GNOME Software Centre (gnome-software) and Ubuntu Software Centre (software-centre)

Of which GNOME Software Centre is created by the gnome project where they added support for Snaps to GNOME Software Centre instead of Ubuntu Software Centre

Meanwhile Ubuntu Software Centre (software-centre) is created by Canonicals as a user-friendly way to discover and install apt packages (friendlier than Synaptic, which was the package manager at the time).

Where as the latest Ubuntu release is shipped with gnome-software by default.