Ubuntu – Differences between AWS Ubuntu Image and a fresh install

amazon ec2servervirtualbox

I've been using Ubuntu only on AWS for a year now. I'm now trying to set up a virtual environment as similar to my AWS one as possible, and I'm kinda confused.

When I spin up an AWS server, the magic box sets me up with the username Ubuntu and I log in with my key file and no password.. then I just get to business. In the Ubuntu setup, it encourages me to enter my full name and password. I have no issue with that, but I just want to be as similar to my AWS servers as possible.

What does an Amazon image have in it that a blank slate of Ubuntu server doesn't? What's the easiest way to emulate my existing installations on a fresh install? What are other differences I may run into?

Best Answer

If you're trying to run a virtual environment as similar to AWS as possible, then the easiest thing to do is to use the exact images that you'd boot on EC2. Ubuntu "cloud images" are made available for download at http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/.

The "cloud images" are pretty much vanilla Ubuntu Server installs with the cloud-init package added. In 12.04, they also have a 'ubuntu' user already added, but in 12.10 and beyond, cloud-init creates that user on first boot.

For information on how to use the images outside of a cloud, see wiki doc, or a blog post that I wrote.