Ubuntu – Delete lines that come after a line with a specific pattern in Shell

bashcommand linescriptstext processing

I'm trying to delete all lines comes after a specific pattern in files.

I have many files, which all have the same structure:



line 1
line x "here there is a specific pattern"

file n

line 1
line x "here there is a specific pattern"

I tried to get a simple solution, but since I have many files, I proceed with a long way :p

The pattern appears one time in each file.

So, I got all lines number which contains this pattern, and save in one file.

this is my code:

count=$(ls -f path_to_folder/*.txt | wc -l)
echo "Number of txt file : $count"

    for ((i=1;i < $count+1 ;i++))


    vt=$(grep -n PATTERN $i.txt | cut -d : -f 1)
    echo $vt >> PATTERN_line.txt


Every line in PATTERN_line.txt contains the line number, in each file, where the pattern exists.

Now, I'm trying to use those numbers to delete all lines that come after the pattern to the file end.

This means I need to keep the file from the head to the patten line which must be included.

I appreciate your help

Best Answer

This is very trivial with text processing utilities. For example, using sed:

sed '1,/pattern/!d' file

Meaning, match every line from the first one to the one with pattern and delete all the non-matched lines. So, replace pattern with your pattern. If it contains /, you need to escape those characters. For example, if the pattern is pattern-with/character:

sed '1,/pattern-with\/character/!d' file

To actually edit files (rather than print the edited stream to stdout), you can use the -i flag:

sed -i '1,/pattern/!d' file

You can make a backup of the original file by adding an extension for the old file to -i. Take care here - you must not include a space before the extension.

sed -i.backup '1,/pattern/!d' file

sed takes multiple filename arguments. For example, to act on all the non-hidden files in the current directory you could use:

sed -i '1,/pattern/!d' *
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