Fix ‘Date and Time Settings’ GUI Not Working in Ubuntu 14.04


I have been trying to access the Date and Time setting in my Ubuntu 14.04 to modify the time (which is wrong).

I click in the hour in the top-right corner of the top bar, and then in "Date & Time Settings…" 1. Instead it takes me to "System Settings" 2. If I tried to click on "Time & Date" in "System Settings", it just closes the "System Settings" screen.

If I start the gnome-control-center from the command line I get the following:

(unity-control-center:4000): GLib-GIO-ERROR **: Settings schema 
'com.canonical.indicator.datetime' does not contain a key named 'show-year' 
Trace/breakpoint trap

I went to sudo dconf-editor and check in com > canonical > indicator > datetime. I can confirm that show-year doesn't exist. I am not sure if I can simply add a new variable there and if it is so, how?


1 Date and Time Settings

Date and Time Settings

2 System Settings

System Settings

Best Answer

That error message is odd. It does not find a key which indeed exists in one of the files belonging to the indicator-datetime package. This command reinstalls the package:

sudo apt-get install --reinstall indicator-datetime

Also, it should be noted that in Ubuntu 14.04 it's unity-control-center to open System Settings from command line, not gnome-control-center. It should be possible to have both the packages installed, but based on my experience there is a risk for conflicts/confusion. So I would recommend that the gnome-control-center package is uninstalled.

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